Friday, December 4, 2015

Art of abhorrence

ON another note of salvation I have been meditating on the verse in job :

    Job 42:6
Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.


I was on the very verge of suicide just before I had my visit from the Lord . How I got there is not the point. The point is I was so disgusted with myself and this life. I hated myself that much.

    So we see dear Job got to a low point, abhorred himself and then he got healed , restored , etc. Glorious grace of God was on him. Ok…

     Why not be like Job and abhor ourselves which leads us into real deep repentance? Abhor--repent--then repeat  it until you finally believe it and really abhor yourself.  I like it. It now comes kind of easy for me to do that , but for another righteous sinner it may be difficult to really abhor themselves.

    While in that moment of abhorrence, we can then mourn and the Lord promised we would find comfort in Him. The sackcloth and ashes are just signs  and a remembrance for ourselves and God that we mean business.  Some may find it difficult to do the wallow in ashes thing first but if one practices the art of abhorring self it will finally come I think. I can't seem to get off the topic of repenting for now. I think this must be a kind of life style thing when I think on the two sackcloth prophets. They were stuck on sackcloth, poor fellows. Maybe you can ask the Lord to release them from that fashion and get them to just believe in Jesus without the props while they prophesy destruction to the earth.


  1. Hate has a good use, eh? Hate evil= good. God hates and so does His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus even kills children. See Rev. 2-3 and find the hatred of Jesus and the children He kills. If you can't muster up a strong enough hatred of the old self in you , then I don't see how one can repent. Paul says in the last days men shall be lovers of themselves. How much more are the women who lavish much time and effort on their own bodies, fashion, make up, etc. God would rather like to see them sitting in a pile of ashes mourning the state of evil within, the horror. No, they are too busy with the vanity of the flesh nature,thinking in their hearts they sit a queen and shall see no sorrow...


  3. Where does the ability to abhor oneself originate? Is it just within certain ones or is this act something everyone is capable of performing? Could it be that evil carnal nature we are born into is the key. We are all capable of hate, but herein is a marvelous thing that God rewarded Job and took off the heat when he despised himself to the level of abhorance.
